I was just in the supermarkt (exciting, thrilling life) and noticed these "English Style" (because of course they don't have them anywhere else in Britain) Salt and Vinegar crisps.
I couldn't help it, I fell into a sort of drooling hypnosis and bought them.
I made three big mistakes.
Mistake 1:
I should've been warned off by the word "chips".
Mistake 2:
Salt & Vinegar crisps NEVER come in red bags.
Mistake 3:
I'm not known as "the Karlheinz Stockhausen of food" so I should stop experimenting.

Next time I will be buying the Scottish, Welsh or Irish style ones.
I shall not be buying them again, ever. Nauseating.
Although I ate half of them (reflex action).
Please excuse me while I go and incinerate the remnants of the pack.