Well I'll tell you.
I was in Kaiser's the other day and I saw they sell HEINZ BAKED BEANS. To think of all the times I almost violated the maximum baggage weight flying back from London with 6 cans in my suitcase when all along the answer simply lay on Schonhauser Allee!
It's such good news it's almost deeply upsetting - in a good way!
And they even have a German label.
Why do they have a German label though?
Surely no Germans eat them.
I've only seen Germans laugh at them.
Maybe that's why they buy them.
Bored Germans needing something to laugh at in the kitchen?

Long time No see..
and finally, Yes see :)
(there was a British week in LiDL and I hoarded so many cans :) )
Amazing! German farty-pants.
Hi Sands!
Nice to see you here too.
They had an British week in LiDL???
Wow... although the only things I miss (and import if I can't find them here) are Marmite, PG Tips tea and Baked Beans.
Tea is probably the most important! I can't really cope with the German "black" tea! Good bread though.
Ha! I always by PG Tips when I'm feeling like having a cuppa (or if I'm out). Aaaand, I don't even have to go to "The English Shop" in Södermalm! Nooo, I can get them right here, in my own little suburb :) Kinda cool, ey? /Louise
Ha, yes very cool. Weird though, because suddenly they're available all over Berlin in small shops run by Thai and Vietnamese people. They've saved my tea-drinking life.
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